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Purity War

Writer's picture: Rev. Chris StrevelRev. Chris Strevel

Future generations will hopefully see the so-called progressivism of our times as a revival of the Baal (fertility, transvestism), Molech (child sacrifice, abortion), and Sodom (sodomy) cults that surrounded and plagued Israel. These idol-demons are looking more like their old selves today – moral chaos, death cult, and Sodom beating-down-your-doors and demanding your participation (Gen. 19:4-9).

                But, take heart, for these are burnout demons. Homosexuality, lesbianism, and murder are God’s judgment upon those who refuse to acknowledge him as God or to be thankful (Rom. 1:21-32). These demons arise from the pit of unbelief, and for this reason, their manifestation and hour of supremacy are short-lived.

                Remember holiness. God’s holiness is the doom of perversity. It does not matter how strongly entrenched the evil is, holiness judges impurity. Our Savior on the cross groaned: “You are holy” (Ps. 22:3). He trusted that holiness is the doom of sin and the assurance of purity’s victory in her great war. Thus, the best and surest protection against impurity’s attack is a life lived before the holiness of God – communion and imitation of his great separation from all sin. Live also before the cross of the Holy One and learn to put the flesh’s impure cravings to death in the wounds of the now risen, reigning Lord of all. Holiness, God’s holiness, will win this war. He is the one who has brought these to this present impasse to glorify the all-sufficiency of his Son and to press upon believers the need for the breastplate of righteousness, Christ’s imputed and ours practiced in the power of his Spirit.

                Prepare for the way against your children. In their present manifestation, impurity’s demons prey on the ignorant, young, and isolated. They always have, but now they have more sophisticated ways of doing so – the cooing teacher affirming the child’s self-willed tendencies and willing to undermine parental authority; friends that encourage bizarre self-expression, slick social media that allows for immediate self-affirmation and a supportive following; the clever but Satanic repackaging of perversion as progress, filth as virtue, and mutilation as freedom. More than ever, Christian parents must give their children a Christian, Christ-centered education and leave the world of entertainment parenting behind. “Bad company” corrupts good morals – including screens, social media, and games. 

                Practice Christ-exalting parenting. The Lord calls and empowers and indwells Christian parents to raise their children in his fear, nurture, and admonition. What we have in union with Christ is far more powerful than what the world has in the devil and the flesh. And, therefore, “NO” is an important word in your arsenal – no, daughter, you are not a boy, and vice versa; no, son, you cannot be anything you want to be but only what the Lord who made you calls you to be. And “YES,” as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord together. Yes, we will live in the power of the risen Jesus Christ, bear his cross, deny ourselves, and put to death our sinful deeds and desires (Col. 3:5).

Be willing to suffer in your home for Christ’s sake. A godly parent may have to confess Christ painfully to a wayward child – if you choose to follow the world, with a broken heart but with a clear mind and consecrated heart, I will choose Christ over you. I submit to Christ, so that in submitting to him, he may honor my submission and eventually break your rebellion. If in your sinful fever you push me to choose your sin over Christ and his Word, I love Jesus Christ more than I love you. I trust his Word more than I trust your feelings. I trust that the Father will hear my prayers in Jesus’ name to save you and remember his promises more. He will never honor my choosing your sinful whims over his cross. 

Proclaim the Savior who cleanses from within. The purity war rages in the church. Many “pastors” with large “churches” will not condemn these evils and thus the seven worse demons enter. To condemn transvestism, abortion, and sodomy/lesbianism may place them at odds with their children and leading funders of their congregation. Negatives and warnings are avoided because they are not “nice” and draw clear lines between holiness and sin. Thus, some choose progressivism over Christ, over the Bible, over their family members, and over smaller congregations. Smaller churches are not immune, for they are also tempted to abandon the gospel of our blessed Savior, who cleanses and cures our inward lusts. He never tells us to be “true to ourselves,” but to deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow him. His saving gospel shines magnificently against the world’s despair and, frankly, admission of defeat in the purity war. Jesus Christ calls us to bring our filth to him for cleansing and to walk in his Spirit. He renews our minds and desires.

                Seize the opportunity that this war presents. We have heavenly weapons that demolish every stronghold – and they are not cynicism, anger, and frustration. Our weapons are the word, grace, and promises of the living God, empowered by his indwelling Spirit. Christ’s gospel is for such a time as this – hope when many have given up, redemption when many have made an uneasy peace with their sins, and honesty about his cross and blood. “Such were some of you” was the Spirit’s assessment of many who had been saved in Corinth out of these very wars, and it will be the same today, as the Lord wills. But we must boast in the cross and not be ashamed to confess Christ. Proclaim his sacrifice and sufferings as the sinner’s deliverance. Go everywhere speaking our Master’s word.

                Draw clear lines without dropping eternity’s gavel. We are not called to condemn the world (John 3:17), but to labor for the discipleship of the nations. Clear, Biblical lines against impurity and for purity must be drawn, but they must be drawn in the light of the living Christ’s power to conquer Satan’s darkness and deceptions. And this will help us engage without anger or ridicule. Our wrath will not accomplish God’s righteousness. We do not know the final chapter in anyone’s story, even the most celebrated worldling. I remember hearing the story of actor Steve McQueen’s conversion. One thing he said as he was dying of cancer really struck me. “My only regret is that I was not able to tell more people about what Christ has done for me.” He lamented that someone did not tell him about Christ sooner. Be that someone to those around you. Speak against the sin and hold out hope for the sinner.

Draw near to God and make pleasing him your highest aim and joy. If the world attacks and ridicules you for upholding God’s purity and fighting against impurity, rejoice. What a privilege to walk with the Lord and to please him! Pleasing him is the plain path: “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Do not be curious about them. Let sexual sins not be named among us, as if fitting for saints. In so doing, we do not boast in our victory in the purity war raging around us, but in the saving power of Jesus Christ. I pray we know his power and victory. Let us seek to walk in his triumph. Then, we shall have quite a story to tell the world about a living Savior who delivers men from the living death of impurity.


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